Sunday, February 21, 2010


I haven't done karate sparring in about 5 years. Today, I sparred with about 6 different people of different ranks, including four black belts. I learned a lot from this experience. First off, I'm older and my back has lost all shock-absorbing properties. Therefore, while before I could absorb kicks into my ribcage, I now feel like I was in a minor car accident. (It's "good" pain, though, not injury pain). Also, I'm short (5'4"), so a lot of opponents can range me. I also discovered that I have a bad habit of blocking a kick with both hands, which leaves me open to head shots.

Things I need to improve include being more offensive, mixing in more kicks, and not letting my opponent lead me. I noticed I used mainly straight-line linear attacks and footwork. I need to work more combinations and circle/change direction.

Overall, I'm happy with my first sparring class in half a decade.


  1. That's great! Karate's awesome, and I practice that, boxing and wrestling. Too bad the Senseis here in Pekin, Illinois are corrupt. The Academy of Okinawan in Peoria was pretty good. Plus there's a new school here in Pekin. Good luck with it!

  2. My dojo had 11 entrants in a local karate tournament and took home 17 trophies. Eventually, I might compete in kata or weapons.
